Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy 33rd Birthday to me!

Nikon Monarch ATB binoculars 10 x 42 DCF Optic reviews - CNET Reviews

Now that we've had such fun bird watching. I felt better asking Andrea for a better set of binoculars (bins) for my Birthday. Like anything I wanted to try it before investing into the hobby. The older bins from West Marine are now in my car as the emergency back up pair while traveling on business.

Bird watching is a great hobby hedge against diving. I see birds when out to sea. When its too windy to dive, it makes for a great day to go to the Everglades with the breeze to cool you off.

Also after using the cheap ones, I can appreciate the more expensive ones. I've going from $40 to $80 to $300 bins. Next stop will be the $2000 Sikorsky. :)

They are also great for enjoying the emotions of the opera singers from the $20 balcony seats instead of the $150 ones upfront. We are going to Julius Cesar this Saturday night.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Our housing-bubble hangover - MSN Money: "Our housing-bubble hangover
All those interest-rate cuts aren't making it any easier for the average Joe to afford a house. There's no simple remedy for the aftermath of a borrowing binge."

Wall Street - Bear Stearns - JPMorgan Chase - Ben Bernanke - Jamie Dimon - New York Times: "Bleakonomics"

Since taking my investment course, I've been following a lot more about what is going on in the economy. Like any sporting event, its not fun unless you keep score. Now that I have a home, 401K and investments, I care what is going on. Right now I'm sitting in cash and money markets as the economy drops that past six months.

If you don't understand what is going on, the two articles above do of good job of explaining the current situation and its effects.

Now that the word "recession" is coming out, it will be big news, the question is when will the recovery start. It will happen long before the news "reports" its occurrence.

Generally a recession takes a 30% cut out of the Dow Jones. Right now its been hovering around 15% off at 12,500. I'm looking for it to hit 11,500 as a signal that the truth has set in. The great thing about the market is the truth has little to do with it.

I'd love to read your opinions on this subject?


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chrysalis Macro II
Originally uploaded by tiswango.
I found my two caterpillars! There were "hanging around" on the other side of wall. The sunny side, I read upon the process on Wikipedia. The caterpillars finished off several stocks of milkweed and then entered the "Pupa" stage to become butterflies. This takes about two weeks, but the end of the process is the most fascinating.

They break out of the silk cocoon in the morning so the sun will dry the new wings. They have to "pump" liquid from the body into the channels in the new wings to make them strong. They practice flying around in circles and then take off.

Saturday morning I went out to check on them and there was nothing left be an empty shell. They were gone by 11 AM.

I have not seen this process since I was a little child in Earleville Iowa. This first round out of the garden has been great fun and I hope it starts to happen so much I grow bored of it!

Aphids on the Milkweed
Originally uploaded by tiswango.
My first garden pests, the Aphid. They had taken over all the stalks of my Scarlett Milkweed. They don't do much harm, but they make a mess of things and eventually a lady bug will come along and start munching on these little guys. I didn't have the patience for that. So I took my favorite scuba diving multi tool (defog, leak detector, drysuit seal lubricate, shampoo, body wash) and sprayed it on the aphids killing them as well.

My first application took at 90% or so of the little buggers. I hosed them off while watering tonight. I'll check the plants out tomorrow to finish of the few die hards.

Who knew a squirt bottle of baby shampoo and water could be so useful!

I do have to be careful and not spray any caterpillars or larva as it will kill them too. I haven't seem my two caterpillars recently so I'm not concerned.

CTS Release is healing
Originally uploaded by tiswango.
My stitches were taken out on Thursday. Everything is heeling nicely. I have 70% of the power back in my hand. Opening my hand all the way or over extending it really causes pain. Also tapping the palm of my hand causes some shooting pain and tingling. If I don't do that, everything is just fine. That just means I have to steer clear of little boys kicking the legs with hard shoes on! I also have to avoid setting the boys down in their crib or on the floor.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Stitches Macro

Stitches Macro
Originally uploaded by tiswango.
Sorry I couldn't resist posting a photo of my incision from the CTS Release. The pain is minor and its not as bad as I thought it would be. I just have a hard time remembering that I have not power in that hand. Untwisting jars and opening things is the hardest. I can pick up the boys, but putting Nathan down today really stressed something out and tweaked me good.

The pain is really based on the incision in my hand healing. I can open my hand, but when I reach the point of needing muscles or room the stretch it starts to hurt. My wrist is still slightly black and blue, but it is feeling much better.

I can shower and wash the wound, but I have to keep in a dry during the day. I enjoyed going 5 days without a shower. Its something I can't remember the last time I did. I did sneak in a haircut and get an shampoo at the halfway point.

Looking at my hand I feel like a stunt double for Frankenstein. I can observe it objectively without a problem. When I start to think of it as "my" hand, it starts to weird me out in my head.

Wednesday I get the stitches taken out. Andrea told me that it won't be painful, but I will "feel" the thread coming out. I'll have to brave it out and write more on the experience.

The cool thing is learning all the things I can do with my left hand. I haven't had any problems moving the mouse to my left hand. The biggest accomplishment was learning how to, um, *cough* clean myself left handed. Brushing my teeth feels really weird, but I got the hang of that too. I can still write softly. Try using your other hand for everything for a day. Its fun!

Right Hand Post Carpal Tunnel Release

Friday, April 11, 2008

Being on several dive lists, I've gotten a several private email "forward lists" where movies, polictics, and jokes just keep coming. I've long given up on asking, "please don't put me on your forward list." My delete key runneth over, but tonight I got a list of conservative, pro-war, and heavily nationalistic cartoons. It was the perfect contrast to the book I've been listening too, Deepak Chopra, "Peace is the way". This cartoon kept my attention because I was drawn to the artistic side as much as the political message.

Uncle Sam, the tired old man. I can almost see Charleston Heston's likeness. Here he is holding his last weapon waiting for some "liberal" to pry it out of his cold dead hands.

Only that Liberalism is a weapon that is going to finish off the USA? Liberalism is a tool is a tool of the religion of Islam?

The image stirs anger in me as it is designed too. But when I step back and ponder, I don't see how this would play out?

First, lets stop holding up Western Civilization as "above" all others and put it back on the ground where it belongs. Then perhaps we can redirect our energies to understanding other civilizations.

In order to do that, Uncle Sam will have to open his eyes and see what is going on. It is not the liberals or Islam that is the enemy. These are nationalistic divisions used to rally and fire up each side of the war into an "Us" vs "Them" conflict.

The gun really represents ignorance. If we keep believing that we are better, special, and are actually helping the world by killing others, we kill ourselves.

Islam is no more to blame that Haliburton. The finger on the hammer of ignorance is greed. We delude ourselves into thinking they want to kill us for what we have. Its the greedy taking advantage of the ignorant that are a threat to our way of life.

What do you see in this image? What labels would you put on it?

Scarlet Milk Weed

Mexican Milk Weed
Originally uploaded by tiswango.
Two weeks ago I started my first butterfly garden. I'm starting with 4 plants and then will branch out. Scarlet Milkweed is an easy plant to start with. Monarchs love it and it serves as a host (larva eat it) and nectar (butterflies) plant.

We also planted Pinata Lavender, Lantana Spreading (white) and Pentas (red).

Friday, April 04, 2008

Seder Dinner

Originally uploaded by tiswango.
St. Simon's knows the value of food to bring a congregation together. In the spring we throw a Seder dinner and in the fall we created the Feast of St. Michael.

Nathan kept taking my Yam-aka!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Matt and Everett

Originally uploaded by jsuw.
I love this one of me and my boy!

Matt's getting his full Dork on!

Originally uploaded by jsuw.
Jan took a great shot of me while exploring the Anhinga Trail in the Everglades National Park.

Nike Dry Fit Hat
10x42 binoculars on my left side
Canon XTI with 70-200Mm at F2.8 with a 1/4 extender
GoLite Backpack with 1 liter Camel Back bladder
Radio on my belt clip for when the babies get out of control.

Giddy Up!