Sunday, May 06, 2007

Update on Twins

Originally uploaded by tiswango.
Hi Everyone,
The boys had their three month check up on Friday, yesterday, and received a clean bill of health.

Everett, the oldest, (ok only three minutes and Nathan doesn't let him forget it!) weighs 11# 15 ozs. (We fed him just before going to the doctors so we wouldn't have the 15 ozs again, last month he was 9# 15 ozs. Didn't work!) He is 22.5 inches long, and his head is 15.75 inches in circumference. He is in the 10 percentile for size (definitely favors his Grandmother not his Grandfather, ha, ha).

Nathan, the baby of the family, weighed in at an even 16# (yes, I can still hold him but....) He is 23.75 inches long, and his head measures 16 inches. He is in the 90 - 95th percentile. So as Matt said, "Well, we have both ends of the spectrum covered." The doctor said not to worry as both boys are proportionally correct (length and weight within or close to the same percentile).

Both of the guys are doing really well. Nathan did put himself on a diet this past month eating more bottles of 4 ozs than the 6 he usually eats. But it didn't do him much good at the scales. Don't we all know that story? Everett holds even at 4 ozs per bottle sometimes moving to 6 if really hungry.

Monday, Andrea returns to work and Grandma will really have her hands full with both of the boys. Should be fun! We'll see how long I can last. I return to Montana on Monday, June 4th and to Polson on the 5th. (I get in on the 11:30 pm flight and will take the bus back the next morning.)

May 27th, Sunday, is baptism day for the guys. Thursday, Andrea, the boys and I went shopping and found their outfits. Andrea didn't want the typical white satin outfits so I suggested red for Pentecost. (Yes, the priest thought I was a little out there, but he's Latin, so what can I say!) We found cute little one piece short sleeved short sets in red with bigger white buttons for decoration at Gymboree. I think they are really cute.

We had to get 3 outfits as no one is taking bets on what Nathan will weigh at the end of the month!! Right now the 3 - 6 mo sizes just fit him and are a little big on Everett. So, yes, all of you who send two of the same outfit in the same size; well, they probably won't be worn at the same time by both boys. But the good news is that two of them can wear each thing so twice the wearing.

The Hoelscher B&MYOB (Bed & Make Your Own Breakfast) will be open for business by the second week of June. If you come sooner you risk being handed a dust cloth or the vacuum. Can you imagine 5.5 months of dust?! Oh well, at least I'll be able to see the improvement, but I better dust into a garbage can!

Matt's Flickr site always has new pictures, (I've never seen such shutter bugs as these two parents!).

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