Monday, December 03, 2007

Pink Floyd Tribute: Aussie Floyd

Originally uploaded by tiswango.

My co-worker in Tampa turned me on to these guys and Andrea and I went to the Miami Show saturday night. It was awesome, just like real thing (videos, lights, inflatable pig, lasers), only smaller.

Pics from the phone:

It was so cool to hear the entire "Dark Side of the moon" album in one set. "Great Gig in the Sky" gave me chills

Then they played:

Shine on your crazy dimond
Learning to Fly
Take it back
Set the controls for the heart of sun
Two songs I have to look up the name for
Wish you were here
Song from the Wall
2nd half of Shine on your crazy dimond
Comfortably Numb
Run Like Hell

My ears are still ringing and I love it! They plan on touring the US again next year.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Matthew and Nathan

20071130_nathan_everett_023 copy
Originally uploaded by jsuw.
Finally I got in a few photos! My friend Jan Sitchin came over with her camera and we shot up 150 or so photos. I finally get in a few! Now we just need to come up with a theme for the holiday photos!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Getting Organized!

I read a blog on digital vs. paper planning and felt the need to comment. Now that I've used my Franklin Planner for over a year, I feel like an expert ready to expand on its greatness. Must just be making up for my giving up on preaching DIR diving. Now I'll preach about Organization.

Here's my comment on Digital vs Paper Planning:

I’m a Hybrid. The key is notetaking. Nothing handheld and digital is capable of taking notes at a meeting, a phone call, or your boss popping in the office saying I need “XYZ”. I love my Franklin planner for notes, goals, and to-do list. I also end up booking appointments in it as well because it so fast to see the big picutre of my month, week, and day. Once a week I sync my written calander of appointments with my digital world of outlook and SalesLogix CRM. All my name address and phone is digital and I mix in my appointments. That then syncs to my HTM WM 6.0 phone. Now I can stay in contact and still take fast notes on paper.
Going one step further I decided to by a messanger bag for my gadets (Ipod, Garmin Nuvi, and camera. I just made sure it was just big in enough for a few files and my planner. Now all my toys play nice together.