Thursday, May 13, 2010

Boca Dive Spearing Shark

Boca Dive Spearing Shark
Originally uploaded by netmage_2112.
This letter explains my feelings better than anything I could have written.

This makes me sick. Here is a copy of the email I sent the shop. I hope if you
are as outraged as I, you'll send something similar.

I am extremely disturbed by your images of a speared nurse shark. This is
extremely irresponsible and I can not believe that you would not only condone
but encourage this atrocious behaviour.

Sharks are endangered across the planet. Slow maturity rates, finning, and a
falsely earned reputation as man-eaters have earned sharks a place on the
endangered species list. You claim that the shark in the photo survived.. for
how long? Will it survive next time?

I can not and will not frequent your shop until these actions stop. I agree that
spearfishing is a valid hunting technique, but the first rule of hunting is know
your prey. Your claim that unwanted catch will be used to feed the less
fortunate may not apply to all species. Sorry, I don't buy it.

I am sure that you will be hearing from many divers both in Florida and from
around the world. I will also be sending a copy of this message to PADI and the
other certifying agencies - if you encourage this reckless, irresponsible
behavior on your charters, what are you teaching your students.

Please reconsider this promotion. For all our sakes.

Tim Meehle
Reefshark Systems, LLC

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