Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Everett and Nathan's First Birthday Party

Wow, the first year done already! My friend Mike H. keeps reminding me that I'm on the "fast track" out of diapers in 2.5 years. I keep focused on that great advantage of twins. More work now, but more fun later! After diapers I hear the next milestone is 4 years old as the kids can dress and care for themselves. Travel is supposed to also be much easier. Andrea and I are researching the infant passport process as someday (hopefully next year) they boys will be going to Argentina to meet the rest of the family.

But the party was a blast. We had about 60 people come including most of the godparents. My sister flew in Friday night and left Sunday morning, but enjoyed one whole full day with the boys.

Thankyou to everyone who gave money for the 529 college savings plan. The money should be worth $7K in 18 years compounded at 8%. *Grin*

Thanks also to the people who didn't listen and brought more toys. I have as much playing with them as the boys due! My resolution of no toys with batteries died after the first three months.

The clown was a big hit with the younger kids. We had the whole park dancing.

Props to my wife for planning and impletmenting a great party!

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